Your Mom...

Somethin' for the Kiddies....

Thursday, June 25, 2009

Tid Bits for Busy Summer Days...

The kids have been flailing and I have been flailing. The summer is in "full steam ahead" mode, and it is both exciting and exhausting! Yesterday was a crazy day for them.

First up, Farm Camp. I can't stand their tan little bodies, greased up with sunscreen and full of excitement as they walk to camp with their backpacks on.
So. dang. cute. Sometimes I still hold back tears when I see them hold hands.

Next up? Moms headed to work so the kids had a few hours with the regular sitter, Miss Molly. Miss Molly is the best and never ceases to bring exciting adventures with her. On this afternoon, it was large bubble making machines (blue for Tommy, pink for Luce, of course).

Finale? We headed to an Indigo Girls concert (SO GREAT!) while Meema and Boppa handled dinner, ice cream, baths and bedtime. While they snuggled on the couch and Tommy sat between my parents, he spontaneously announced, "I both love you." Typical Tomma.

They must have been exhausted. But man, they are lucky, lucky kids!

What does this afternoon bring?

Lucy is creating cards for Matt and I. The twist that I love? She created "buttons" on the card for us to push and when I push it, she breaks out into a ditty that goes, "IIIII love you moooommm!"

And then we both laugh our guts out about it. What a girl!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Big Sister...

This morning, I took the kiddos to our local gym. I ran a quick 4.5 miles while they played in the kid's area. At one point, I looked down (I am on the 2nd floor and can look down at them playing in the gym area) and I saw Tommy trying really hard to tell an employee that an older boy had taken his scooter.

I watched him walk around and point at the boy, partially talking to himself and partially trying to get one of the employee's attention. It was PLG to say the least. I felt compelled to hop off the treadmill and try to yell down to him to "grab a teacher" but one of the nice ladies heard me and remedied the situation immediately.

After I picked them up, we headed to the bathroom for potty time and washing hands. I mentioned to Tommy that I had seen him trying to tell a "teacher" about the scooter incident and that I was glad he got some help. I also reminded him he can always tell his sissy the trouble and she can help him. Lucy heard that, mentioned that she'd been distracted while playing with her friend Ella, and then got really quiet, sitting on the toilet. After a minute deep in thought, I asked her if she was all done.

"Yeah...I just got really sad for Tommy hearing about that story."

I reminded her it was o.k. that she didn't know and she was too busy to protect her brother at that minute but I could tell she felt really responsible for not taking care of him. PLG central....and such a sweet moment of love and protection for her brother...

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Watching her...

Watching her struggle is painful...

I see so much of me in her 5 year old struggles.

Her tears, her frustration, her laughter, her silliness.

I never thought I would see so much of myself in another person. Funny how genetics works. Funny how you can watch and remember yourself.

Much less a short, 45 lb. version of myself.

But she has better hair. She has GREAT hair.

And she is fun and spunky and smart and a pleaser.

She is all these GOOD things that I want her to remember about herself when we have had a rough moment, rough hour, rough day.

We have had many rough days as of late. But today...was a much better day.

We laid low. We had a picnic. We hung out. We went swimming.

Her tan, exhausted, chubby little summer body is all snuggled in bed after another fun day.

"You're my greatest girl. Never forget how much this mama loves you."

"I never will, mom."

And we will try again tomorrow.

This little girl of mine and this mom who sees way too much of herself in her.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

We Like Us a Theme....

I know I have mentioned before...but I would be remiss if I didn't mention, again, how much the kids enjoy birthday parties. One would think it would be for the ice cream and cake, frolicking with friends, etc. However, you would be mistaken.

They love the THEME. The anticipation begins when the invitation arrives. What is on the invitation? My kids have decided that really sets the tone for the party...

Maybe it's a Ballet theme, perhaps a Superhero theme. Man, I will die if it's Disney Princess themed. Or, wow! I have never seen 5 Little Monkeys as a theme!

I will never forget the party last year that really threw Lucy for a loop. We arrived, fully expecting a Pirate theme. It WAS quite pirate-y, this is for sure. However....get ready....there was a SPONGEBOB CAKE! In the middle of the Pirate theme? The travesty!!!???

More conversation ensued for days about that one...HOW could Ethan CLEARLY have a Pirate theme, and then bust out a SPONGEBOB CAKE in the middle of it? Could he not decide? Do they LET you do THIS? TWO THEMES in one party? Who would have thought of that?

Truth be told....I love a hearty theme myself. We discuss the theme of their birthday parties months in advance and I love every minute of it. Once decided, my heart skips a beat when we arrive in Party City. Oh the creative they were born with it in their blood.

Some moms dread a theme...I embrace it. I thoroughly enjoy that they embrace it as well.

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Dear June 6th....

Dear June 6th,

I expected you to be warmer. I expected to be wearing shorts on my luxurious, adult weekend adventure up in northern Michigan. Instead I was wearing a fleece jacket, jeans, and closed-toe flats that gave me a blister. Damn you, June 6th.

Ah least I had a hot tub and a vodka tonic to warm me up. Multiple times a day.

Guess it all balanced out...

However, this is an official memo to June that you are JUNE and therefore, a SUMMER MONTH and therefore, SHALL BE WARM FROM HERE ON OUT!


Wednesday, June 03, 2009

The Balance...

Nothing beats a crazy morning with the kiddos and a crazy day at work with a fun evening with girlfriends who have known you a while and who make you laugh.

I am realizing, as of lately, just how lucky I am to have found "the balance." They sometimes drive me crazy, but these girlfriends of mine really provide me that laugh, that familiarity, and that good time I crave on a random Wednesday night when I am ready to tear my hair out.

I feel so lucky for this life I have created here. Despite it's moments when I want to sometimes hide in a hole - I really am grateful for all I have.

Take it for what it is - lucky am I!

My Photo

I'm a 39 year old stay-at-home mom. I have a 9 year old daughter and a 7 year old son. I have lived in the big city and in the mountains, but am happy to be back in the Midwest, raising the fam. I enjoy laughing, wine, bad karaoke, US Weekly, running, cemetaries, cheese sticks and short hair-dos. In my previous life, I was class-clown and a wanna-be comedian. In my professional life, I'm a journalism major with 10 years of marketing and PR experience. I dream of being a cast member on Saturday Night Live and working at Disney World as Snow White.

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