Your Mom...

Somethin' for the Kiddies....

Sunday, June 07, 2009

Dear June 6th....

Dear June 6th,

I expected you to be warmer. I expected to be wearing shorts on my luxurious, adult weekend adventure up in northern Michigan. Instead I was wearing a fleece jacket, jeans, and closed-toe flats that gave me a blister. Damn you, June 6th.

Ah least I had a hot tub and a vodka tonic to warm me up. Multiple times a day.

Guess it all balanced out...

However, this is an official memo to June that you are JUNE and therefore, a SUMMER MONTH and therefore, SHALL BE WARM FROM HERE ON OUT!



At 7:37 AM, Blogger Stephanie said...

I love it when you write letters to things . . . grocery store employees, your children, Nair . . .

At 7:53 AM, Blogger meg said...

This is why Matt Cavanaugh should rethink up north the last week in JUNE! Summer still hasn't gotten the memo by even THEN it seems like most years!

At 2:26 PM, Blogger amanda said...

Yikes! Hitch a ride with my brother and his family... they're on their way down here on Thursday night. And it's been in the upper 80s. Dare I say, hot... I better be careful, otherwise it'll really get hot and then I'll be crying.

Hopefully it warms up your way soon!!


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I'm a 39 year old stay-at-home mom. I have a 9 year old daughter and a 7 year old son. I have lived in the big city and in the mountains, but am happy to be back in the Midwest, raising the fam. I enjoy laughing, wine, bad karaoke, US Weekly, running, cemetaries, cheese sticks and short hair-dos. In my previous life, I was class-clown and a wanna-be comedian. In my professional life, I'm a journalism major with 10 years of marketing and PR experience. I dream of being a cast member on Saturday Night Live and working at Disney World as Snow White.

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