Loving You Means...
Missing you so badly each day at 3:30 p.m, and trying to keep myself distracted until 4:50 p.m. when I get to go pick you up at play practice.
For reasons stated above, grabbing you for a "special lunch" one day the past two weeks. Last week, we held hands and talked about nothing while mowing on a hot dog. Today, I just brought you back to our house and you said, "it feels really good to be home."
Curling your hair before school, and then you telling me your teacher complimented your 'do and said you looked "sassy" today, with a huge toothless grin.
Buying you a good bathing suit for swimming lessons and "sport socks," because you love them.
Doing that "extra song" and blanket tucking at night, because we both like it.
Noticing how utterly confident you are among your peers and how school really is a second home for you. Side note: I continue to be seriously impressed with this school.
Watching you and your brother together, so obviously happy to be "back together" at the end of the day. Last night, you had me play an old game in the basement (I sit on the floor and pretend to grab you guys as you run by - no sense). We were laughing our guts out and I could tell how happy you were, and how happy Tommy was that his sister was giving him 100% attention.
Feeling lucky to be your mom...
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