Your Mom...

Somethin' for the Kiddies....

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Post #675 When the Children Say Funny Stuff...

Ahh the tidbits from the mouths of babes...makes me giggle all the live long day.
I am thinking about bringing back the phrase "All the live long day." It makes me giggle every time...

Lucy in the car yesterday: "Mom? What store are we going to? Tar-jay?"
This poor girl...she loves Target almost as much as me. She, too, may struggle to get out of that store for under $100 at a time when the only thing on her shopping list was: Face lotion.

Tomma: Plgly singing "Zippity Doo Dah" very quiety in his jogging stroller this morning on our run. I mean anytime a 2-year old says the word, "factual," it's gonna bring a tear to your eye...

Lucy on her way out the door to school this morning: "Mom? Choo-choo (creepy baby) is going to stay home but I asked Nelly (cabbage patch kid) to babysit her this morning for me."
Me: "Oh great, how much are you going to pay Nelly?"
Lucy: " 10 minutes."
Me: "You mean 10 dollars?"
Lucy: "Yeah...right! Because that is a lot!"

Lucy, the other afternoon: "Mom? Tommy isn't that into this book. Can I give it to Phoebe (one year old neighbor)? He's just not that into it (while shrugging shoulders, pursing lips and looking down to the ground)."

This morning, in the front yard after school when Lucy won't come in the house...
Tommy: "Sissy! Do you want a time out? Do you, SISSY???!!" (all butt serious)


At 2:28 PM, Blogger Dina said...

All of these are so cute, but I LOVE the Tar-jay comment!

At 4:52 PM, Blogger Megz said...

I don't know WHERE she learned to purse her lips and feign disbelief...

At 4:54 PM, Blogger meg said...

haha - good ones, good ones. Love the lip purse.

At 7:43 PM, Blogger Meem said...

I laughed my way all the way through these tales!! Good times - those two are HILARIOUS! And I personally LOVE it.

At 8:08 PM, Blogger Stephanie said...

I will try very hard to bring back "all the live long day" with you. Because it's just fun.

Good grief. Please add "Mom! High-fives!!!!!" to that list of hilarity, too. I thought the girls were going to have heart attacks over the excitment this afternoon. It's as if they had never, ever gotten a high-five before in their lives. I'm so sure.


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I'm a 39 year old stay-at-home mom. I have a 9 year old daughter and a 7 year old son. I have lived in the big city and in the mountains, but am happy to be back in the Midwest, raising the fam. I enjoy laughing, wine, bad karaoke, US Weekly, running, cemetaries, cheese sticks and short hair-dos. In my previous life, I was class-clown and a wanna-be comedian. In my professional life, I'm a journalism major with 10 years of marketing and PR experience. I dream of being a cast member on Saturday Night Live and working at Disney World as Snow White.

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