When I Love Them The Most...
I love them the most when they are just being who they are. When their clothes don't match, they have crud on their faces, and they are just doing their thing.
I love when she needs 1,000 accessories before she leaves the house and when he starts dancing when no one is looking.
I like when I try to control everything, and they have a plan all their own (o.k. not always...but I can appreciate their plan...really, I can).
I love when he says, "Ta da!" after he does something he's proud of...
I love when she is working hard on coloring just the way she wants it...
I like when they are just being them.
A couple of friends have said to me this week, "Lucy is such a spunky kid." and/or "She has always got something going on, doesn't she?"
It's at those moments that I think I feel most proud.
She's her own person and a really interesting and funny person, at that.
I don't like to feel like they aren't being what they "should be" or "need to be" for anyone.
I have been hard on her this week, and hard on myself.
This next week will be better.
Gosh...I know exactly what you mean.
We're having trouble on the potty training front at our house..and ya know what...she'll get it.
Sometimes I have to remember where she started and how thankful I was that she could even breathe.
They have both gotten so big....I missed your blog.
Thanks for the reminder, friend. It's good to remember that their plans and mine aren't always the same, and that's OK. (Sometimes) =)
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