Your Mom...

Somethin' for the Kiddies....

Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Reaping the Rewards of My Work...

Lucy is at a friend's house this afternoon...a "pay-back playdate" after I had the little girl over to our house last week. Tommy is in snoozeville.
I have run and am showered, the house is clean, the laundry is caught up, I looked at the mail, read blogs, watched Tivo'd shows and ate a snack.
Could it really be true?
For the first time since June 2004...I might be bored for a minute.
And it feels fabulous.


At 8:49 AM, Blogger Sister said... forgot 'call your sister'.

At 9:30 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

Your creepy work won't let me call you!!!!

At 10:15 AM, Blogger Sister said...

Cell phone dude. Cell phone.

At 11:55 AM, Blogger amanda said...

These are the times that I actually look at myself in the mirror and realize I need to do something with my brows, then I notice my nails need to be cut, then oh yeah, I've had to pee for the last six hours, and I haven't eaten anything except for cool whip and blueberries for the last two days and just when I sit down to eat a sandwich or something that resembles a real meal the baby wakes up. Bored, right.

At 1:56 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I had a bored period of time the other day...lasted about 15 minutes, but was enough :)


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I'm a 39 year old stay-at-home mom. I have a 9 year old daughter and a 7 year old son. I have lived in the big city and in the mountains, but am happy to be back in the Midwest, raising the fam. I enjoy laughing, wine, bad karaoke, US Weekly, running, cemetaries, cheese sticks and short hair-dos. In my previous life, I was class-clown and a wanna-be comedian. In my professional life, I'm a journalism major with 10 years of marketing and PR experience. I dream of being a cast member on Saturday Night Live and working at Disney World as Snow White.

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