I Know...You Get it...My Kids are Cute...
One of the best compliments I have received as a mom, is when people comment on how happy Lucy is. She is seriously the happiest kid I have ever met. Lately, the happy kid has likened to dressing herself during "nap/quiet time." I will put her to bed and when I get her 2.5 hours later, she will have something completely different on. Like pajamas from the "don't fit anymore/storage" pile in her closet. And Little Mermaid socks. So here she is...with non-fitting jammies and her favorite socks...my happy girl.
Another big step for Tommy..he is playing ball with us! I mean the kid can throw the ball right at us! Hilarious...AND he was working on his first art project today...
Your kids are "almost" as cute as mine. (j/k) Moms always think their kids are the cutest.
I love that one of Tommy....look at that smile behind the pacifier.
Have I mentioned that I love the name Lucy? Even though it got the big veto from my hubby when we were pregnant.
I'm really enjoying reading your blog.
Dear God, they are so adorable!! I love the non-fitting jammies and Tommy working on his art? Fantastic!! Want to get together for a playdate? What's halfway between NY and MI?
Wow ..they are cute! Love it when they have a mind of their own and do what they want! They definitely are inventive!
Your kids are supercute! And Lucy... that kid cracks me UP!
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