Listening In on the Action...
When Lucy comes home from her nursery school, I find she is not real interested in telling me about her morning. It's interesting to me that she has this other life at school I know nothing about. I mean, I know the basics of how the class is structured and all, but she mentions people and teachers and art projects and treats and who went potty off and on, and I just wonder what it's all about for her. I find I can score some details if I listen in when she is in full pretend playtime by herself.
"No Katherine! No Hitting! Katherine wasn't nice, guys...she has to have time out."
"Just a quick clean up, o.k. sweetie?"
"Ethan is crying...he is sad. Jack and Ethan are sad. They aren't sharing."
"I'm the teacher..and you are the kids, o.k. sweetie's?"
and of course the great new comment...
"I don't like you, Mom! I don't!"
Good times....I am so happy and proud of her for loving school so much. She has even had dry pull-ups for the past 3 school days and gone in the potty there twice! I can't help but look at her and her longer, leaner, "closer to 3 than 2 year old" body and get a little sad. She's such a big girl now. It's great to see her doing more but sad to know my chubby little toddler is getting farther and farther away.
OK sweetie's! HAHAHA! She's hilarious.
When I'm feeling sad over his tiny baby days I just remind myself of all of the things we are leaving behind that aren't so desirable. Doesn't really help though... ha ha!
By the way... saw your "what I'm watching" ...wasn't that SNL skit hilarious!!
I know exactly what you mean. My son seems older everyday...Often older than his actual 2½. The pretend play mimicking daycare is so great. They have a sand table in the classroom, and yesterday some little people animals sat at a pretend table and he said "Play at the sensory table, guys. Do you want a shovel?"
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