Your Mom...

Somethin' for the Kiddies....

Friday, September 29, 2006


My lovely, helpful, fun and good-looking younger sister is visiting us this weekend. She arrived yesterday, to Lucy's great joy and amazement. She doesn't live in town, so I always wonder where Lucy thinks her "E.E." goes between the weeks of visiting. When I ask her where she thinks E.E. goes, she says, "to her house, Mom." But she must wonder what's with E.E.'s aloofness and why doesn't she come over more often? ha ha...if only she understood the concept of a 2 hour drive.
We were at a little local restaurant last night. Lucy got to walk there, stroller-free, and she thought she was pretty hot stuff while walking with her E.E. She found an enormous stick to carry along as her "walking stick" and she lugged it all the way there and all the way home. She is committed, this girl. Anyway, so we are sitting there chowing our dinners and out of the blue Lucy says to my sister, "Happy to have you here E.E.!" Does it get any better than that?


At 5:41 PM, Blogger amanda said...

Lucy sounds a lot like my 4-year old neice. My brother was having a really bad day one day so he went home early from work and picked up Cami and took her to McDonalds. After finishing eating she says to him, "Dad, this is the best day ever. You are my best friend." Just melts your heart.

At 6:57 AM, Blogger Sarah said...

That makes me want to ridiculous! They are so great!


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I'm a 39 year old stay-at-home mom. I have a 9 year old daughter and a 7 year old son. I have lived in the big city and in the mountains, but am happy to be back in the Midwest, raising the fam. I enjoy laughing, wine, bad karaoke, US Weekly, running, cemetaries, cheese sticks and short hair-dos. In my previous life, I was class-clown and a wanna-be comedian. In my professional life, I'm a journalism major with 10 years of marketing and PR experience. I dream of being a cast member on Saturday Night Live and working at Disney World as Snow White.

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