Your Mom...

Somethin' for the Kiddies....

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

Talk About It..Talk About It....Talk About Moo-hoo-ving....

She may begin her motivational speaking career at 26 months...

"These bubbles are amazing!"

"Who is my husband?" "Daddy is YOUR husband."

"'s not working needs batteries, Mom."

"Maybe just a liiiiittle bit, Mom?"

"Mom? Where is her? I mean she?"

"Do you like this song Mom? I like this song! Do you know this one Mom?"

"Scout licked me! Awww...Scouty gives me kisses!!"

And the best one yet, after I told her to grab her friend Jack's hand to come play in the sandbox..."Hi Jack! (grabbing his hand) Want to play with me? Want to go see the sand Jack? Come over! Come over Jack!"

Obnoxious Bragging Alert Yet Funny Story: Another mother watching this says to me, "How old is she? Three?" I respond, "No, she was two in June...but she is being hired out as the welcoming committee to this playgroup." Mother gives me blank stare...


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I'm a 39 year old stay-at-home mom. I have a 9 year old daughter and a 7 year old son. I have lived in the big city and in the mountains, but am happy to be back in the Midwest, raising the fam. I enjoy laughing, wine, bad karaoke, US Weekly, running, cemetaries, cheese sticks and short hair-dos. In my previous life, I was class-clown and a wanna-be comedian. In my professional life, I'm a journalism major with 10 years of marketing and PR experience. I dream of being a cast member on Saturday Night Live and working at Disney World as Snow White.

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